Pure Barre - Myers Park
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Pure Barre and were last updated on 5/21/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Mask are required entering and exiting the studio. You must wear your mask to your station and then you may remove it once class begins. Then immediately place your mask back on after stretch. You also have the option to wear your mask throughout class.
Ventilation system
We have installed an air filtration system through our HVAC to help spread and kill any in unwanted particles in the air.
Limited capacity
We are only allowing 11 clients in at a time at 6 feet apart.
Contactless check-in
Please check in on the app, or stop by the front desk to let them know you have arrived.
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Mon, Feb 17
50 min
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Julianne WhitePure Barre Reviews
4.817,500+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare