Chi Junky
Dit bedrijf is in een andere tijdzone.
Veiligheid & schoonmaak
Veiligheidsrichtlijnen worden aangeboden door Chi Junky en zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 5-6-24.
We have 7 large windows and a door inside the practice studio that opens to the outside to ventilate and let fresh air flow in between each class. Our HVAC system has been upgraded and all our air filters and have changed.
Extra desinfectie
Hand sanitizer stations are located around the studio, please help yourself. We have increased our cleaning protocols in between classes and only use products of the highest disinfectant standard, in addition to a regular deep clean of the studio.
Uitgelicht in toplessen voor
wo 5 feb
50 min.
Chi Pilates
Jackie Sharpe60 min.
Soul Slow Flow
Charlene Dinger60 min.
Get Stretched
Elsbeth Schokking60 min.
Zen Vibes Only: Soundbath
Valentine GiambattistaChi Junky beoordelingen
4,822.500+ beoordelingen
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
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