Yoga Box - North Park
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Yoga Box and were last updated on 12/8/24.
Social distancing measures
There are mat markers on the studio floor to ensure proper distancing.
Extra sanitation
At Yoga Box, we take additional precautions to ensure thorough cleaning between and during our classes.
Limited capacity
Class capacity is limited, so please book in advance to ensure a comfortable experience for all.
Contactless check-in
Please arrive 10 minutes before scheduled class time to check-in with the instructor and settle into the studio. The lobby front door is locked to ensure the safety of staff and members, and late arrival will not be permitted.
Featured in top classes for
Tue, Feb 18
60 min
Power Flow Vinyasa
Nicolette R60 min
Power Flow Vinyasa
Chloe F60 min
Yoga Sculpt (Body + Legs + Butt)
Chloe F60 min
Power Flow Vinyasa
Mia S60 min
Candlelight HOT YB
Mia SYoga Box Reviews
4.930,000+ ratings
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How to prepare